Should I Limit Fruit Or Dairy Products While Doing IIFYM?


No, is the simple and short answer here. Unless you have an intolerance (autoimmune disease), allergy to certain products or dietary preference, there’s no reason to limit yourself here. Dairy products and fruit aren’t the culprits that cause fat gain. The Proven Reason Fat Gain Occurs It’s the overconsumption of calories, so if you’re consistently […]

How Much Protein Is Enough With IIFYM?


One question that many of our clients often ask us as they get started on the IIFYM diet approach is, ‘how much protein do I need?’ When reading about protein, you’ll hear recommendations all over the map. Some diets have you eating as much as 1.5-2 grams of protein per pound of body weight while […]

Why Does IIFYM Give So Many Calories?


At the time this article was published, the our macro coaches have helped over 15k clients burn fat and lose weight while eating foods they love. Most of our clients come to us by way of our weight loss Macro Calculator, which is used over 8k times per day (just over 14 million times since […]

30 Tips To Maximize Food Volume With Low Macros


Dieting can be a tough process both physically and mentally, especially when dieting down to contest levels of leanness. Even when doing everything “right”: having food high/cardio low prior to starting a cut or contest prep, taking adequate time between cuts, making small adjustments when plateaus happen, getting away with as much food/as little cardio […]

7 Best Macro-Friendly Vegan Protein Sources


So you’re rummaging your cabinets, flipping through recipe books, googling all the words and calling up your grandma wondering what you can do to get more vegan protein in your diet. We get it and we’re here to help. Protein is important for optimal health, it is vital for muscle growth, muscle strength, weight loss, […]

The PCOS Playbook: How to Make Progress with IIFYM


If you are one of the millions of women living with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, there’s a good chance that you struggle to lose weight and keep it off. There are several PCOS related hormonal imbalances and symptoms that can make shedding fat a serious challenge. In spite of the difficulty, losing weight is one of […]

Do I Have To Eat Every Few Hours If I Want To Burn Fat?


Meal timing is far less relevant that most people are aware of. This is not to say that it should be neglected. However, unless you are training for a bodybuilding show that requires ultra-low levels of body fat or a competitive athlete, stressing about eating every few hours is hardly part of a successful fat […]

#1 Best Fat Burner for Men and Women? What’s The Hype?

fat burners.. all hype

#1 Best Fat Burner for Men and Women? If you know me, you know that I am a firm believer in using diet first and foremost, to burn fat, with energy expenditure next, followed then by supplementation. • Hitting my deficit macros? Check!• Killing the weights? Check!• LISS Cardio? Check!• HIIT Cardio? Check! Everything in […]

Interviews Brandan Fokken –


IIFYM: Thanks for taking the time out to speak with Brandan.I know you are extremely popular in the bodybuilding and fitness world, but for those readers that don’t recognize your name, would you please tell us a little bit about yourself and your position in the health and fitness industry? BF: Well I do […]