What’s The Bmr Formula? Can You Lose Weight By Eating Your BMR?

Most Recent Update: May 04, 2024
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Understand the concept of Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and learn how to calculate it. Explore how BMR can help in weight management, whether the goal is to lose or gain weight.

This Is How To Work Out Your BMR, And Then How To Understand And Utilize That Information

What Is the Definition of Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)?

Basal metabolic rate, or BMR, is the measurement of an organism’s energy expenditure when at rest. To put that in more simple everyday terms, your BMR is, in essence, the amount of energy required to maintain life, when you are not eating or exercising. The act of eating or exercising requires extra energy, which is why those two activities are removed from the equation.

Let’s Work Out Your Individual BMR

How do I calculate my BMR?

Many people underestimate the number of calories or energy it takes to simply go about your everyday life. Think of all the functions that occur subconsciously, such as breathing, blinking, pumping blood around your body, growing new cells, etc. The list is virtually endless, and that is before you undertake even the most basic of exercise, such as taking a short walk to the local store.

In layman’s terms, the amount of energy (calories) that your body needs just to function when resting over twenty-four hours is known as the basal metabolic rate or BMR. The minimum requirements in terms of energy/calories requires a considerable number of calories, even if you are literally sitting around resting on a sun lounger all day. In fact, the BMR accounts for over 60 percent of the total amount of energy your body burns every single day.

In an ideal world, you would be able to flick a switch and alter your BMR overnight, and while this is not an option, you can modify it over time provided you know specific vital figures. By working out the calculation, and then manipulating your BMR and body to work for you, it is entirely feasible to develop a smarter strategy for weight loss and a healthier lifestyle.

Is There A Standard BMR That Everyone Shares?

Statistically speaking, as you might imagine, everyone has a unique and individual, but as there is an average for both men and women.

For women, the average BMR in the United States is 1,493 calories.

For men, the average BMR in the United States is 1,662 calories.


BMR – The Basics

Calculating your individual BMR with 100 percent accuracy would require an appointment with an expert, who has the facilities available, to measure your carbon dioxide and oxygen levels. This measurement would need to take place after the subject has slept for 8 hours and fasted for twelve.

Although there is a benefit to getting the measurement perfectly right, for the vast majority of people, a rough estimation will suffice. This is possible by using the Mifflin-St. Jeor equation which was developed and put into mainstream use in 1990. In fact, amongst the experts in the field, this method is now considered the standard for calculating BMR.

This Is The Equation Used To Calculate Your BMR

For men: BMR = 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (years) + 5

For women: BMR = 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (years) – 161

The good news is that you don’t need to be a math nerd to work out your BMR, because you can simply use our FREE BMR Calculator.

Why Are Height and Weight Relevant?

Simply put, the larger a person is, the more fuel they will require just to sustain their larger organs. Consequently, if you are heavier or taller than average, then you will also have a higher BMR. Following the same thought process, as and when you lose eight, your BMR will also decrease, because your body will need to burn fewer calories to operate. Alternatively, if you start to visit the gym regularly and build up muscle mass, then your BMR will increase.

Other Factors To Take Into Consideration

Age – Your metabolic rate will decrease with age because statistically, it has been shown that muscle mass declines by between five and ten percent every decade after you reach your 30th birthday. You can counteract this somewhat by engaging in weight training to try and replace lost muscle mass. Concentrate on circuit training, with exercises such as squats, lunges, and core exercises. Although it might seem tempting to focus on individual muscle groups, this is not generally regarded as being as efficient in strengthening your body.

Gender: The composition of the body varies quite significantly between men and women, which is why a woman’s BMR is, on average, about five to ten percent lower than that of a man.

What Does Your BMR Tell You?

Your BMR tells you the amount of energy typically measured in calories which your body needs to function properly when resting during the course of a 24 hour period. Although it is highly unlikely ever to happen unless you are ill, the idea is to measure the number of calories your body would use if you spent 24 hours in bed resting.

What Is The Average BMR Rate?

The average BMR rate will vary between males and females. The average BMR rate for an American woman is about 1400 calories, and for a man, it is about 1800.

Should I Aim For A Higher BMR Rate?

Truthfully, there is no such thing as a good BMR rate. Do not become obsessed with your BMR rate; it is merely your base metabolic rate. Think of it as nothing more than the number of calories which you require to maintain your weight when you are doing nothing on a particular day. In basic terms, if you want to lose weight then consume fewer calories than your BMR, if you want to gain weight consume more calories than your BMR.


About The Author

Anthony is the creator of the world’s first macro calculator and a veteran macro coach with over 15 years of experience. Through his expertise and dedication, Anthony has transformed the lives of more than 50,000 clients using the Macro Blueprint, a program meticulously designed to simplify dieting and enhance overall wellness. 

As the founder of IIFYM.com, Anthony offers comprehensive digital diet programs and personalized macro suggestions to help individuals achieve their weight loss goals, improve sleep, boost focus, and build confidence.

Whether you want to track macros, engage in flexible dieting, or optimize your metabolism health, Anthony’s strategies cater to diverse needs. From recomp macros to bodybuilding macros, discover how you can take control of your nutrition and life with Anthony’s proven methods.

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